The Myth of Caviar and Metal Spoons

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TLDR: (Spoiler!) High quality stainless steel spoons will not taint your caviar or your enjoyment of it in the slightest.

Even the thought of raising a silver* spoon to my mouth causes my brain to create the metallic taste sensation vividly in my imagination. This is a flavour that my instincts yell at me will mess with the unctuous saline freshness of caviar. And sure enough this plays out in practice. 

To be clear though, ‘silver’ here means specifically the precious metal (ie with the Periodic symbol Ag), not the colour of the spoon or the fact that it is made of metal. And perhaps this is what has caused the confusion down through the years that has melded into the conventional wisdom (urban myth!) that all metal spoons and caviar do not play well together. 

Further distinction is required. Certain metals such as silver will indeed react with the caviar causing oxidation thus ruining both the caviar and the spoon. But it is important to emphasise that “non-reactive” metals - such as the premium stainless steel in Oui Chef SignatureSpoons - are absolutely perfect for preparing and serving caviar with zero taint of product or utensil. 

We have discussed this topic at length with many head chefs in top kitchens and they are in absolutely no doubt that high quality stainless steel spoons are the perfect utensil to prepare and serve your caviar. 

Look closely and you will see that many of the best chefs around the world are using stainless steel spoons (and other tools) in demonstrations and in their kitchens because they are far more practical in a restaurant kitchen than mother of pearl, wood etc.

If you want further reassurance the rather scientific folks at America’s Test Kitchen have done in-depth research too

And of course stainless steel is a much more sustainable, durable and hygienic option than wood or mother of pearl - though we will give a respectful nod to the beauty and tradition that goes with (responsibly sourced!) mother of pearl.

You could try using an actual silver spoon (or aluminium, nickel, or iron for that matter) to eat caviar for yourself but be fully prepared to wince at the metallic, acidic taste. You will certainly regret wasting the caviar and probably taint your enjoyment of the rest of the tin, as well as ruin your silver spoon! 

The myth of stainless steel and those black precious pearls not playing well together is just that - a myth. In your busy kitchen or dining room don’t be afraid to get yourself a beautiful stainless steel spoon to serve and enjoy caviar in all its glory. 

Happy spooning!


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